Psychiatric Links

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Visit the: First German Internet Congress on Psychiatry

Psychiatric Institutes and Projects

Association of European Psychiatrists

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry(internet-link: "")
Psychiatric Electronic Media Project(internet-link: "") Sleep Medicine Home Page(internet-link: "")
Neurosciences on the Internet University of Michigan Psychiatry(internet-link: "")
GlobalPsych Institute(internet-link: "") Groningen Department of Social Psychiatry(internet-link: "")

Psychiatric Journals

The American Journal of Psychiatry
(internet-link: "")
Psychiatry Online(internet-link: "")

World Wide Web Search Engines

YAHOO Psychiatry Resources(internet-link: "") Alta Vista Advanced Query(internet-link: "")

Remarks and requests(

Copyright: Dr.Anil Batra( , Dr. TiloKircher( , Prof. Dr. Mathias Bartels
( Last revised on 28/07/1997 by Dr. A. Batra

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American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry(

Psychiatric Electronic Media Project(

Sleep Medicine Home Page(

University of Michigan Psychiatry(

GlobalPsych Institute(

Groningen Department of Social Psychiatry(

The American Journal of Psychiatry

Psychiatry Online(

YAHOO Psychiatry Resources(

Alta Vista Advanced Query(